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Sign by Unifiedpost ready to speed up business processes with electronic signatures

At Unifiedpost Group, our aim is to bring an end to the laborious process of ‘print-scan-post-wait’ with our Sign solution.

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The current reality of homeworking during the pandemic has certainly catalysed this evolution, but, many businesses, however, still rely on pen and paper for signatures. Why? When you add up all the extra labour associated with printing, rescanning and processing signed documents, it’s obvious how much time and productivity is being wasted.

The smarter option is for businesses to use e-signature solutions to speed up their administration. These digital platforms are 100% legal, and save up to 63% of costs on paper, handling and mailing. At Unifiedpost Group, our aim is to bring an end to the laborious process of ‘print-scan-post-wait’ with our Sign solution.

The time consuming and cumbersome paper based system reduces the signature process to four simple digital steps on both sides of an agreement. And, after the document is signed, all parties receive a signed copy automatically. An efficient, quick and reliable solution.

Sign provides businesses with three distinct ways to sign and process documentation so that the approach is always appropriate for the risk level and the importance of the document at hand.

For example, the basic approach, the Simple Electronic Signature, is a simple visual signature.

The next level is an Advanced Electronic Signature, which allows for the identification of the signer, uniquely binds the signature to that signer, and adds more security via two-factor authentication or itsme confirm.

Finally, for documents with the highest risk, the tool offers a Qualified Electronic Signature method. Sign is eiDAS and ISO 27001 compliant.

To learn more about Sign and download our white paper ‘Digital Authentication’ go to Unifiedpost Sign.

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