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Unifiedpost Group acquires Leleu Document Services

Unifiedpost, one of Europe's leading FinTech companies, has acquired Leleu Document Services. Discover the full details here.

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Unifiedpost Group strengthens control over document printing and postal distribution facilities

Unifiedpost Group aims to position itself as the platform provider of choice for digitalising the B2B(2C) financial value-chain, spanning transactional document flows, supplier-client interactions, payments and more. Counter intuitive as it may seem, paper distribution (e.g., invoices, wage slips, etc.) is still very much part of the business, and expected to linger.

In April of this year, Unifiedpost raised €25 million from Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) [Flanders Investment Company], the Federale Participatie- en Investeringsmaatschappij (FPIM) [Federal Investment Company], an American investment company and an international mix of private investors. The objective of this financing round is to propel Unifiedpost’s growth throughout Europe and expand its solutions portfolio. This is Unifiedpost’s third acquisition this year, only a few weeks behind the purchase of ADM Solutions and Inventive Designers.

“With the acquisition of Leleu Document Services, we improve our access to the delivery chain” says Hans Leybaert, CEO, Unifiedpost, “this will prove beneficial for specific clients that require a more fit-for-purpose fulfilment”.

About Unifiedpost Group

Unifiedpost is a leading FinTech company that helps businesses digitalise and optimise their financial value chain, in B2B(2C): from contract to invoice to payment, including alternative financial services. Unifiedpost develops and manages platforms for electronic payment collection, invoice financing and more, starting from "transactional document processing”.

Interesting facts and figures about the Unifiedpost Group:

  • Established in 2001, with a proven track record
  • 2017 consolidated turnover over €26 million, predominantly recurrent
  • 260+ FTE throughout Europe, of whom 70+ work in R&D
  • 200 million documents processed per year
  • Diverse portfolio of clients across a wide variety of industries (banking, leasing, utilities, media, telecommunications, travel, social security service providers, public organisations, etc.) ranging from large internationals to SME communities
  • PAY-NXT payment institution recognised by the National Bank of Belgium
  • International M&A track record (e.g. ZET Solutions, PowertoPay, Nomadesk, Onea, ADM Solutions, Inventive Designers.)

About Leleu Document Services

Leleu Document Services was founded in 1936. From the onset, technical innovation and partnership were the two basic values of the company. That is what made Leleu Document Services into one of the most performing and leading graphical companies on the Belgian market.

Leleu Document Services does more than just printing. Customers are invariably seen as partners with whom the company wants to build a relationship of trust. Leleu Document services can be contacted for a printing job, but you one can also rely on the company to manage the entire fulfilment process: from concept to printing to distribution.

Whether it concerns simple actions or complex operations, Leleu Document Services assists and advises.

Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements: The statements contained herein may include prospects, statements of future expectations, opinions and other forward-looking statements in relation to the expected future performance of Unifiedpost and of the markets in which it is active. Such forward-looking statements are based on management's current views and assumptions regarding future events. By nature, they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that appear justified at the time at which they are made but which may not turn out to be accurate. Actual results, performance or events may therefore differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Except as required by applicable law, Unifiedpost does not undertake any obligation to update, clarify or correct any forward-looking statements contained in this press release in light of new information, future events or otherwise and disclaims any liability in respect hereto. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

Information correct as of press release publish date 24th of December 2018.

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